All my text edition is made using LaTeX, a free, professional class, text layout software. At first, this edition tool can seem difficult to use as it is not a “What-You-See-is-What-You-Get” kind of software. Meaning that the greatest difference with Microsoft Word, for example, is that, in LaTeX, you have to edit a code (with any text editor) and then compile it before seeing the result
Monthly Archive for December, 2006
Old Site – Skinning Linux
The main argument of Windows users against Linux is that it is difficult to use, not user friendly and not as “polished” as Windows. And they are wrong. Here is a short description of various ways to make linux look great (to me at least). The point of it being close to windows usage is then a matter of taste. I prefer it to be different!
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Old Site – Diving
Born in Marseille, I have been snorkeling for a long time. I scuba dive only since 2001 and I am really fond of it. I am a level 2 diver in the FFESSM (French standards) and CMAS. Here after you can find some informations about great scuba-diving sites in Marseille but also in the French Antillas and French Polynesia where I went for holidays or work.
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