The beamer class is probably the most advanced way to produce slides with LaTeX. It outputs well laid-out pdf slides, ready to be shown with pride alongside their Keynote equivalent (not to mention the crappy, pixelated thingies that come out of PowerPoint).
Monthly Archive for September, 2007
The short screencast below shows Inkscape, a very cool drawing program with a GTK interface, running natively (i.e. without X11) on Mac OS X. There already are plenty of videos of The Gimp running natively on OS X. It is in the order of things that the port of GTK to OS X is first tested on The Gimp since GTK is the “Gimp ToolKit”. However it is nice to see other programs can use this port too, in particular such a complex application as Inkscape. In addition, Inskcape is written in C++ and uses GTKmm and Cairomm instead of directly GTK and Cairo so that’s one more layer to get working right.
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a Subversion application
a Subversion application
a Subversion application