Monthly Archive for January, 2009

Moving from subversion to git permanently – take 2

I previously posted a method to move a svn project to git permanently; i.e., without keeping the two-way bridge between svn and git that git-svn is usually meant to provide. This method involved git-svnimport. It had the advantage that it somehow transposed the concept of tags from svn to git (in svn tags are really a special kind of branch while tags in git are just labels associated with a commit). But sometimes before git v. 1.6, git-svnimport disappeared from the git suite. This is a new method using git-svn which gets all the information out of svn (converting svn tags to git branches) and erases all traces of the original git-svn bridge. Thanks to the folks on the #git channel at for their help in getting this working.

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